Title Risk Index of Work Types for Building Construction using the AHP(Analytic Hierarchy Process) Method
Authors Go Seong-Seok ; Song Hyuk
Page pp.139-146
ISSN 12269107
Keywords Construction Safety ; Hazard ; Risk Index ; Work type ; AHP method
Abstract It is very useful tool to get necessary informations by process and case of construction work in terms of construction calamity and safety prevention. Most of all, what is the most important thing among the informations is considered to evaluate the degree of risk in the construction process. Past construction accidents contain the information of construction safety and hazard of construction activity. So, to prevent construction accident, we utilize the past construction accidents properties. This reserach carried out like this. Firstly we reconstructed the category of work type based on the past accidents afterthat analyzed accident case depending on the number of persons by work types and collection of construction specialists' opinion about the risk by work types. With the result of risk work type applied AHP method, we compared these result and suggested the work type of risk