Title A Study on Improving related regulations of Design of Building
Authors Lee Jae-In ; Kim Uk ; Chung Myung-Won
Page pp.39-46
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Building Act ; Design Documentation Criteria ; responsibility ; Professional ethics
Abstract Architectural Design is the creative solution represented by a licensed architect for his/her client's intention and request. It consists of contracts and construction documents (drawings and specification) to draw up an estimate of a project and construction method. Therefore, the quality of architectural design influences its construction quality. This research is to bring architects' attention to their professional ethics and awareness of their responsibility to raise the quality of architectural design. This research further facilitates international contract business among nations based on the proposals for improvement of related regulations. The subject of this research is to achieve national competitiveness, flexibility of regulated system with safety assurance and quality improvement, and ultimately to stir up the architects’ expressional motivation for creative design.