Title A Study on the Improvement of the Legal System for the Environment-Friendly Apartment Complex
Authors Eo In-Jun ; Kim Young-Ha
Page pp.173-180
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Environment-Friendly ; Apartment Complax ; Legal system improvement
Abstract The Master Architect promotes the quality of urban planning and design, in particular, in the large residential site planning and urban planning.??This is because the needs of more attractive life spaces and the quality of residential environments appear in our society.??Conventional functional urban spaces can have regimentation and limitations of the planning because it is planned by only one planner or architect.?? This made the uniform of the project, and caused the change of one planner or architect's roles.??The large and small developments need the consideration of various environments such as sunshine, traffic, drainage, and the protection of natural environments, and harmony with adjacent cities. As an answer of the various environment consideration in the project, environment -oriented planning and design are required.??However, as the development project begins, various factors such as the extension of project scale, necessary of multi-purpose spaces, and the appearance of various main bodies of the project come out.??To apply different opinions into the project, systematic management of the planning and design are needed.