Title A Study on the Passive Control Method for Energy Efficiency in Building
Authors Jang Yong-Sung ; Lee Hyun-Soo ; Suh Seung-Jik ; Park Hyo-Soon
Page pp.181-188
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Non-airconditioned room temperature ; Peak air conditioning load ; Correlation analysis ; Regression analysis
Abstract This study intends to deriving the equation of non-airconditioned room temperature(hereafter referred to as NART) prediction from the correlation analysis of the influence of environmental design factors on the building. The relation between the NART and environmental design factors was analysed by using correlation coefficients. The equation of NART prediction was derived from the regression analysis by experimentation and simulation. In this study, the main results are summarized as follows : The average NART of experiment and simulation were evaluated to 22.0℃ and 22.6℃, respectively. An error of simulation was the 2.7%. The results from correlation analysis was correlated with the daily average outdoor temperature, soil temperature, solar intensity, relative humidity, and air velocity in order. Correlation coefficients of the daily average outdoor temperture, NART, and peak air conditioning load were over the 0.75. According to the sensitivity analysis of environmental design factors and air conditioning load in reference model, the influence of air infiltration and window surface ratio were more than outside insultion.