Title Moment Redistribution and Plastic Rotation Capacity of Continuous One-Way Composite Slab System Reinforced with Structural Steel Decking
Authors Chung Heon-Soo ; Eun Hee-Chang ; Yang Keun-Hyeok
Page pp.11-18
ISSN 12269107
Keywords continuous composite slabs ; moment redistribution ; plastic rotation capacity ; limit analysis ; curvature
Abstract The objective of this study was to evaluate the moment redistribution and plastic rotation of continuous one-way composite slabs reinforced with structural steel decking. A total of 8 two-span continuous slabs with fixed-ends were tested and compared with limit analysis approaches. Theoretical moment capacity and curvature for section subjected to positive or negative moment were calculated by section laminae method. Test results showed that flexural behavior and rotation were greatly influenced by amount of top bar in negative moment region. Also, the welded wire fabric used as top bar in negative moment region could result in decreasing total load capacity of slabs due to impairing moment redistribution. The predictions, maximum load and plastic rotation capacity obtained from proposed analysis method were in good agreement test results.