Title Structural Performance of Concrete-Filled HSS Bracing Members According to Width-Thickness Ratios
Authors Han Sang-Whan ; Kim Wook-Tae
Page pp.29-37
ISSN 12269107
Keywords Infilled Concrete. Width-thickness Ratio ; Local Buckling ; Bracing Members ; Performance
Abstract The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effect of width-thickness ratio (w/t ratio) on structural performance of concrete-filled Hollow Structural Section(HSS) bracing members. It has been found that bracing members experience more rapid strength deterioration and earlier fractures with increasing their w/t ratio. In order to reduce such poor behavior of bracing members having a large w/t ratio, concrete filled tubular bracing members can be used. This study investigated the effect of infilled concrete on bracing members having different w/t ratios. Experimental tests were carried out using quasi-static reversed cyclic loading with a symmetric compression and tension. Five full- scale test specimens were made. Test results showed that concrete filling delayed the occurrence of initial local buckling. Infilled concrete also changed the local buckling mode and reduced the severity of local buckling, thereby the occurrence of cracking and fracture in the concrete filled specimens were delayed. Furthermore, this study showed that infilled concrete is more influential to the specimens having a larger w/t ratio.