Title A Case Study on the Economic Analysis of Apartment Buildings Subjected to Remodeling and Reconstruction Using LCC Technique in Suwon-City
Authors Kim Hak-Kil ; Yoon Seoung-Hyeon ; Kim Yong-Su
Page pp.131-138
ISSN 12269107
Keywords Remodeling ; Reconstruction ; Economic Analysis ; Life Cycle Cost
Abstract The object of this study is to analyze the economic efficiency of apartment buildings subjected to remodeling and reconstruction using life cycle costing technique in Suwon-city. The research method involves to investigate and analyze data regarding remodeling and reconstruction of three apartment buildings in Suwon-city. The results of this study are as follows : 1) the economic efficiency of reconstruction is better than that of remodeling. 2) as the maintenance period is extended, the gab between the profit of reconstruction and remodeling decreases.