Title A Study on the Construction of Jeonju and Daegu Eupsung
Authors Cho Hyung-Rai ; Seo Chi-Sang
Page pp.81-90
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Jeonju Eupsun ; Daegu Eupsung ; the systems of castle ; the constructional methods
Abstract Through investigations of early 18th century southern provincial castles, Jeonju and Daegu Eupsung,??this study seeks to broaden the understanding of castle construction of the later period of Korea's Yi Dynasty.?? The Japanese invasion of 1592 raised the awareness of the importance of national defense infrastructure.?? In this process, Eupsung, provincial castles, came to occupy special importance, and many of them were repaired, redesigned or even entirely rebuilt. Based on new conceptual framework, reform-minded king (Young-Joe)??and their associates led these efforts of national defense system building.??As result, new administrative systems of financing, building and maintaining the provincial castles were established. This study demonstrates that??the provincial castles were based on those new concepts and systems of the new age. The study shows that the designers of these castles had in mind efficient construction design and execution and effective defense of provincial towns located on flat ground. And, the study explains how those??designers sought higher productivity through localizaization of securing resources and more detailed and improved organization of construction.