Title A Performance Evaluation on the Prefabricated Floor Heating System using Thermo Siphon Type Heat Pipe
Authors Yee Jurng-Jae ; Kim Yong-Kyoung ; Choi Seok-Yong
Page pp.173-180
ISSN 12269093
Keywords prefabricated floor heating system ; Thermo siphon ; Heat pipe ; Energy consumption ; Real-scale model experiment
Abstract This research proposes a prefabricated floor heating panel system which is optimized through the real-scale model experiment. This system is alternated Cross Linked Poly-ethylene Pipe(XL pipe) by using thermo siphon type heat pipe that is used for a heat transfer tool in machine field. When applied this system to floor heating, floor surface and room temperature, operation form of boiler etc. are enough scope to apply to floor heating. Merely, the change of temperature of floor surface is serious because of no heat storage layer. This is the point to supplement through the optimization research hereafter. When we examine the data which is gained through the operating for 37days in winter, energy consumption characteristic between two systems turned at below zero 1.5℃. That is, heat pipe system was construed that energy expenditure of XL system is much more in lower than below zero 1.5℃.