Title The Analysis for Effects of the 40 Hours Workweek System on the Specialty Construction Industry
Authors Lee Jae-Seob
Page pp.145-152
ISSN 12269107
Keywords 40 Hours Workweek System ; Special Construction Industry ; Delay ; Labor Cost
Abstract From July 2004, the 40 hours workweek system has been introduced to the construction industry. So, if the introduction of the 40 hours workweek system is unavoidable, then we need to have preparations against negative effects from that system because the construction industry has several characteristics as obstacles to settle down the system. Therefore we should consider several problems caused by them. The previous studies have been focused to effects of the 40 hours workweek system on the general construction industry. In order to analyze the effects of the 40 hours workweek system on the construction industry, it is essential to analyze the effects on the specialty construction industry because the actual construction activities are performed by the specialty construction companies. This study presents the effects of the 40 hours workweek system on the specialty construction industry. Therefore, this study tries on doing an in-depth analysis about the effects on specialty construction cost and time according to the introduction of the 40 hours workweek system.