Title Investigation of the Stone Contamination Degree by Sealants on the Joint of Building Stone Work
Authors Kim Kyung-Min ; Lee Jae-Yong ; Lee Soo-Yong
Page pp.161-168
ISSN 12269107
Keywords stone work ; stone contamination ; joint sealant
Abstract This study is to investigate the stone contamination degree by sealants on the joint of building stone work among other contaminations occurring in the stone building and to devise a countermeasure for reducing stone-contamination. For this purpose, after producing experimental specimens, tests were performed to analyze the stone contamination degree by sealants according to the kinds of granite and sealants and surface treatment of the joint. ??As a result of this study, the contamination shows wide differences depending on the kinds of granite, sealants, and surface treatment of the joint. Especially, it is the most effective to apply fitting primer on the joint-surface of the stone in terms of preventing plastic ingredients, which are the main cause of contamination, from being absorbed into the stone structure.