Title A Study on the Application Effects & Characteristics of MA(Master Architect) Design Method By Developing Agency
Authors Kim Won-Pil ; Kim Jong-Un
Page pp.27-34
ISSN 12269093
Keywords master architect ; design method ; new town ; development method ; development agency ; design process
Abstract Master Architect design method has important planning value in quality-oriented housing design and new- town development process. However, it has questioned about the application system and performances in the development process such as selection period, application method, and the role of MA, etc. The main purpose of this study was to analyze the actual application method, and its effects in design process by development agencies. It also aimed to find out the improvement in the various design stages including master plan for the existing and future new housing development. The research found that the close chemistry between MAs and their partners such as BA and LA were important in selecting the preferred development concept. More over, early application of MA design was key element for the efficient processing of master plan. It also indicated that active role of project producer in design charette was necessary for successful exploration of alternative plans and site evaluation. Based upon the findings, the future research recommended that outsourcing of experts, clear job specification of designers in design process, active communications among experts be desirable for the improvement of MA design method.