Title A Study on Residential Improvement Method through the Citizen Participation
Authors Shin Joong-Jin ; Bae Woong-Kyoo ; Kim Eun-Jung
Page pp.139-146
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Citizen Participation ; Urban Residential Improvement ; District Unit Plan ; Ma-ul-man-dul-gi
Abstract The limitations of improvement methods in previous urban residents had come out because of restricted citizen participation and redevelopment through the clearing-away method inclined toward the material environment development. However, the needs and concerns about 'ma-ul-man-dul-gi' are getting higher, because of the change of urban-planning paradime, improvement of citizen participation ideas spread of 'ma-ul-man-dul-gi' through virious citizen paticipation, increase of participating chances by change of district unit plan. The purpose of this study Is to suggest of the residential improvement methods which can apply to Korea through analizing 'Machizukuri' a similar method from Japan point to gradual grogress in district unit through participation and improvement of residential life-quality