Title Street Planning of Urban Detached Housing Area for Revitalization of the Community
Authors Ha Jae-Myung ; Kim Myo-Jung
Page pp.159-166
ISSN 12269093
Keywords urban detached housing area ; security of the parking area ; street planning ; revitalization of community
Abstract The purpose of this study is to provide the information of street planning for revitalization of the community in urban detached housing area. Some ideas of this study were applied for planning for revitalization of community of urban residents. This study was accomplished by observations and actual survey, and suggested several street planning methods : control of the passing cars and the resident's cars by one-way passage, providing of the parking area on the individual lot by the ‘Break down Fence' campaign in Daegu, and provision of the common space for social relationship and community of the residents. Through this process, the front space of each house could be intermediate space between the private space and the public space, such as the semi-private space and the semi-public space.