Title An Experimental Study on the Propagation Characteristics of Railway Noise Passing Urban Area
Authors Yun Hae-Dong ; Kim Jae-Soo
Page pp.175-182
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Railway Noise ; Noise Barrier ; Vertical SPL
Abstract With rapidly industrial development, a railway has become of a main traffic means. But, the railway noise has caused much annoyance for the residents living nearby railway tracks. Therefore, in our country, for established of quite dwelling environment, execute regulation standard of railway noise from January 1, 2000. Efficiency soundproofing measures, however, are very difficult because of the lack of basic data and insufficiency of the existing research. In this point, this study attempts to survey the vertical sound pressure level of railway noise in by existence of noise barrier. And this study intends to get the basic data for establishment of a efficient noise barrier about railway noise.