Title A Study on the Sunlight Environment of Mulit-unit Residential Building Complex Affected by Floor Area Ratio
Authors Lee Seung-Min ; Park Sang-Dong ; Shin Kee-Shik ; Choi Moo-Hyuck
Page pp.191-198
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Green Building ; Floor Area Ratio ; Sunlight Environmrnt Impact ; Multi-unit Residential Building Complex
Abstract In the multi-unit residential building complex, increase of floor area ratio will affect sunlight environment, consumption of energy and water, traffic, quantity of waste and so on. Among various impacts by increase of floor area ratio, sunlight environment of entire multi-unit residential building complex is analyzed and comfort of indoor environment is investigated in this study. The purpose of this study is to analyze sunlight environment of multi-unit residential building complex affected by increase of floor area ratio and use it as basic materials of future legislation related to incentive for disseminating green multi-unit residential building.