Title An Assessment of the Energy Consumption & CO2 Emission during the Construction Stage of Apartments
Authors Kim Jong-Yeob ; Lee Seung-Eon ; Sohn Jang-Yeul
Page pp.199-206
ISSN 12269093
Keywords life cycle assessment(LCA) ; input-output analysis ; intensity ; energy consumption ; CO2 emission
Abstract The major contents of this study is to assess the environmental load quantitatively through calculating the energy consumption and CO2 emission of building material use at the apartment construction. The database of the previous study was used for the basic unit of material and the construction stage. The number of materials was 1,467 items and when materials of different sizes as the same material are considered the number was 533 items. This can be get from the basic unit data base of more than 70 industrial parts in I/O table. The energy consumption and CO2 emission of the architectural part was 78.7%,??81.4% of the total and the energy consumption and CO2 emission of 3 parts including mechanical and civil parts was 96.6%, 97.3%. CO2 emission of mainly 40 materials of each part was 95% but top 10 materials of total parts were architectural materials and CO2 emission of 50 materials was 90.3%. It is confirmed quantitatively that steel bar, cement, pluster board, glass have great influence on CO2 emission and it might be said that LCA will be simplified using some major materials' data since 90% of the total energy consumption and CO2 emission can be assessed using 50 materials.