Title A Study on problems and improvement Methods according to the ERP introduction into Small and Medium-sized Construction Companies
Authors Ahn Yong-Sun ; Park Duck-Hyun ; Hong Seong-Wook
Page pp.165-172
ISSN 12269107
Keywords ERP ; Small and Medium-sized Construction Companies ; information
Abstract Competition between enterprise was deepened by business environment that the latest enterprise is changed by leaps and bounds and strengthened enterprise's competitive power by beginning to undertake for long-term information investment through IMF and introduces ERP. However, because enterprises except some large enterprise lack realization which depend on the traditional business method in domestic construction industry, ERP introduction is just lower stage by rejection for reinvestment and new system of information. This study presents necessity of ERP introduction, problem and improvement plan when introduce through questionnaire and hopes to motive small and medium enterprises construction company's ERP activation.