Title The Teaching Principles of Mies van der Rohe
Authors Ryu Jeon-Hee
Page pp.3-14
ISSN 12269093
Keywords The teaching principles of Mies van der Rohe ; Architectural Education ; Technological tradition of Architectural Education
Abstract The purpose of this paper is to review and understand the philosophy and teaching principles of Mies van der Rohe. It??would be a notable reference to view Mies's struggle to clarify a meaningful architectural education comparing with our today's complicated conditions in Korea. Mies's unique self-education produced strong convictions about what he felt were basic principles of architecture. These were translated into an innovative educational curriculum. After starting his career as an educator at Bauhaus director in 1930, Mies rigorously searched for a new architecture that would evolve the thought process of understanding what architecture should be and related appropriate method of professional education. Mies firmly believed that an architectural curriculum is a means of training and education serving a philosophy. The essence of architectural education was to develop a disciplined method of work, a way of doing, a striving towards clarity of thought, a concentration of fundamentals. Mies's legacy in architectural education is to establish and combine technical skills and study of architecture as art into professional training required to be an architect.