Title Blocking Performance of Concrete with the Variation of Blocking Materials in Consecutive Placing
Authors Han Cheon-Goo ; Jung Duk-Woo
Page pp.67-74
ISSN 12269107
Keywords Construction of the Joint of Consecutive Placing ; Metal Lath ; Gap of Partitioning Materials ; Blocking Performance
Abstract This paper is a fundamental study on blocking performance with variation of partitioning material in constructing of the joint of consecutive placing. According to the results, in the case of W/B 30%, while concrete does not flow out without vibration at slump 21cm, high flowing concrete flows out in large quantity. While a large amount of concrete flows out after vibration at slump 21cm, high flowing concrete shows the slightly increasing tendency.??In the case of W/C 50%, as slump increases, the gap of blocking bar increases and the size of metal lath is big, the blocking ratio of concrete by the elapse of vibration time decreases remarkably. During placing concrete the diameter of blocking bar with diameter of Φ10mm show the better blocking performance than that of Φ20mm, and when the gap of blocking bar is below 20mm in the case of Φ10mm, the blocking ratio is more than 90% after 20 second vibration. In Placing concrete, it is thought that the use of metal lath with size of 32.5×62.5×3.2mm can be very effect method for blocking concrete.