Title An Evaluation Method for Adequacy of Apartment Maintenance Management
Authors Son Bo-Sik ; An Sun-Ju ; Lee Hyun-Soo
Page pp.113-121
ISSN 12269107
Keywords Apartments ; Deterioration ; Maintenance Management ; Adequacy ; Evaluation Method ; Long-Life
Abstract It is a fact that in recent years there has been more reconstruction of apartments rather than efforts to consider alternative to extending the life time of the apartments. It is essential to try to develop ways to adequately maintain and to use the apartment facilities efficiently in order to preserve earth environment and the limited resource. The objective of this study is to propose criterions and methods with which to evaluate adequacy of maintenance management. Factors that need to be considered to evaluate adequacy of maintenance management are established based on existing study, a questionnaire of professional being applied AHP (Analytical Hierarchy Process) methods and inquiry of the present condition. Proposed criterions and methods to evaluate adequacy of maintenance management are applied with the ultimate aim of establishing and implementing a systematic maintenance-management-plan that includes longtime-repair- plan.