Title A Study on the Adapted Urban Tissue to Residential Area from Factory Building at Sangwangsimni 130, Seoul
Authors Pang Keum-Sun ; Cho Joon-Beom ; Choi Chan-Hwan
Page pp.21-29
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Transformation of the Factory ; Adaptation and Transformation of Housing ; Sangwangsimni ; Urban Tissue
Abstract The study was to analyze the residential urban tissue that factory, constructed in Japanese ruling period, transform to residential area at Sangwangsimni 130 in seoul. The results are as follows. First, As compare to urban tissue around the factory wall, the urban tissue is regular form. Because the residential area have been formed adapting the square factory wall under conditions of spatial limits by factory wall, its form is distinct from the urban tissue around the factory wall. Second, the houses are classified into three type according to relation with factory wall. Type-1 is be is just used the factory wall as the fence of the house. Type-2 is to be used the factory wall as the outer wall of the house. Type-3 is to used the factory wall as the inner wall of the house. This study suggest to thought about plan method that form with vestiges of past city. And organic system as this area adapted in spatial restriction by outer wall of factory building, and divided as lot and road.