Title A Basic Study on Constructing a Space Ontology Using OWL
Authors Kim Sung-Ah
Page pp.51-58
ISSN 12269093
Keywords CADOntology ; OWL ; Space ; Building Data Modeling ; Protege ; CAD
Abstract Information about space and activity is of interest in every phases of building design and construction.??As it is not easy to reconcile material and construction viewpoints, however, existing data models could not easily apply these concepts within the CAD system. Due to the recent advances in semantic web research, ontological approach seems to promise a flexible building information modeling. More precisely, the ontology approach enables an explicit specification of conceptualizing building information so that higher levels of reasoning is possible both by human and machine agents.??The author has investigated the spatial nature of buildings in order to build its formal description to be used by agents, and a general ontological model for typical building has been developed using OWL and Protege. The OWL is introduced as a main vehicle to encode the information and knowledge about the building structures and spaces. Protege is employed as a modeling environment in which a test case of a anonymous building is analyzed and modeled in an ontology modeling manner. Ontology modeling issues and findings are discussed, and a possible application is presented in this paper.