Title Experimental Study on Flexural Capacity Evaluation of Reinforced Concrete Beam strengthened with Carbon Fiber Sheet
Authors Yi Waon-Ho ; Lim Jae-Hyung
Page pp.3-10
ISSN 12269107
Keywords Cabon Fiber Sheet ; Reinforced width ; Flexural strength ; Strength effect
Abstract The objective of this study is to evaluate the flexural capacity effects of RC beams strengthened with Carbon Fiber Sheets(CFS). In the previous study, the flexural capacity of RC beam strengthened with CFS was evaluated to statistical analysis using the existing experimental data. In this study, the eight specimens are manufactured and tested. The selected experimental variables are the reinforced width as U- type after reinforced the bottom face, the strengthened direction and the number of ply. We found the test results as follows. First, the beams strengthened with CFS show up the flexural failure mode. Second, it turned out that the proposed design equation could predict the ultimate capacity with comparatively high accuracy.