Title A Study on the Mechanical Analysis of Generalized Inverse Method
Authors Eun Hee-Chang ; Chung Heon-Soo
Page pp.19-24
ISSN 12269107
Keywords generalized inverse method ; weighting matrix ; virtual work method ; static condensation method
Abstract Based on the generalized inverse method provided by Eun, et. al., this study illustrates the three mechanical analyses which it has.??They are 1) the dot product of constraint force and virtual displacement vector is zero, 2) the product of the coefficient matrix of constraints and virtual displacement vector is zero vector, 3) the performance index and the constrained equilibrium equation depend on the weighting matrix .??Through the comparison of the static condensation method and the generalized inverse method, it is established that the generalized inverse method is more comprehensive method than the static condensation method.??Also, the effectiveness and applicability are verified in two simple applications.