Title Development of the Safety Information Management System according to the Risk Index for the Building Construction Work
Authors Go Seong-Seok ; Song Hyuk ; Lee Han-Mine
Page pp.113-120
ISSN 12269107
Keywords construction work types ; risk index ; safety management ; safety information system
Abstract Prevention of construction hazard is needed urgently according to the present construction accident ratio. Although the national effort for the prevention of construction accident is currently executed, the rate is as it used to be and not viewed the decline aspect. The practically useful safety information for the prevention of construction accident is composed with the standard of safety technique, the prevention counter plans and the induced accident cases. Among these compositions, the past cases of construction accident are most stimulus because we can foresee the accident risk and obtain the firsthand information from them. To obtain the useful safety information according to the work types and situation for the building construction is very valuable for the prevention. In accordance with the safety information, we think evaluating the risk index of work types for the building construction is very important. From this reason this study is focused on the development of the safety information management system according to the work types for the building construction