Title The Analysis on the Characteristics of the Fear of Crime in the Public Space of High-Rise Multi-Family Attached House
Authors Choi Yeol ; Yim Ha-Kyoung
Page pp.57-63
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Fear of Crime ; CPTED ; Multi-Family Attached House ; Public Space ; Canonical Correlation Analysis
Abstract The aim of this paper is to make a comparison with the difference between actual criminal situation and resident's fear of crime and to explore how to reduce residence's fear of crime in the public space of high-rise multi-family attached house. Canonical Analysis, which extracts relationships between two sets of variables as well as the internal relationships within the sets, is employed to determine the relationships between resident's fear on the crime and the factors related with residential environment control on the basis of Busan-Jin District.
The major findings are as follows;
It is found that underground parking lots and green spaces show the highest fear of crime among the outdoor places. Although underground parking lots have many monitors to prevent crime and also green spaces are important spaces for residence's amenity, those places are proved to be serious ones that most of residents are afraid of crime. Specially playgrounds for children are recognized main place for juvenile delinquency by many residents.
And this study found that residential environment's control system - restricting of outsiders and brightening streetlight - could largely reduce resident's fear of crime in the residence.