Title A Study on the Spatial Organizational Method in Kyu Sung Woo-designed Houses
Authors Jung In-Ha
Page pp.113-121
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Kyu Sung Woo ; Spatial organization ; Circulation system ; Visual scene
Abstract The purpose of this study is to make clear the way of organizing the space in Kyu Sung Woo-designed Houses. The architect used multiple methods to make a sequential passageway from entrance to rooftop. At first Woo have chosen the 'ㄷ‘ shaped-layout to make maximal use of 'Madang', which came from the urban traditional housing in Korea. He combined this 'Madang' with long and complicated circulation system to create various visual scenes. To elaborate these effects, the architect articulated wall plane, and contrasted the opening and closing of wall. extended person's view over window, and punched skylight in the central place. Through these methods, Woo could enrich the spatial organization in his houses.