Title An Investigation into Franchise Systems in the Building Remodeling Market towards Improving Its Performance
Authors Kim Ju-Hyung
Page pp.91-98
ISSN 12269107
Keywords Remodeling ; Remodeling Franchise
Abstract A franchise system is that franchisees sell goods or service by obtaining the authority to use brand name of a franchiser and know-how on management, technology etc. The franchise system has been used in the reselling market of construction materials in the construction industry. Recently, it has been introduced to the remodelling market as well.
This paper aims to review its theory and validate its performance through rigorous real world investigation. To this end, general theories and practices of franchise system in other industrial sectors are reviewed and unique features in the remodelling market are extracted. In order to measure the performance of franchisees in the remodelling market, a postal questionnaire survey is conducted to explore the difference between franchisees and non-franchisees in terms of difficulty on brand marketing, management and building skills. In addition, the number of customers, net-value and benefits between the both are compared.