Title A Preliminary Study on the Local Traditions and Its Transition of Architectural Relics in the Northern Region in Korea
Authors Jeon Bong-Hee
Page pp.107-118
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Northern Region in Korea ; Architectural Relics ; Regionality ; Epochal Characteristics
Abstract The purpose of this paper is to summarize the regional and epochal characteristics of architectural relics in the northern region in Korea through an examination of the distribution of architectural relics by typology as well as region, and the special features of structural techniques of these relics. In this paper, I have used as main sources A Guide to Essential Relics of Our Nation, 1963, and A Guide to the Historical Relics of Our Nation, 1983. Information from other select sources was used in addition. The number of relics stated in the two aforementioned books equals approximately 300 in toto. Among these, about 100 are wooden structure articles including temples, shrines and pavilions.
By examining the significant architectural relics of the northern region through my perspectives, I summarized the following points as the issues for future research. In comparison to the focus and uniqueness of the pre-Goryeo relics in the northern region, the Joseon relics show an expanded localism incorporated into relative homogeneity on the national level. Second, we have discussed the possibility of dividing the cultural spheres on the Korean peninsula on an East-West orientation by examining the two general types of house forms.