Title The Conceptual Contemplation and Evaluation Variables For the Development of the Model to Evaluate the View in the Apartment Unit
Authors Kim Kwang-Ho ; Kim Byung-Seon
Page pp.197-207
ISSN 12269093
Keywords View ; Openness Sense ; Stuffy Sense ; View Evaluation ; Apartment ; View System
Abstract Currently as the diffusion rate of Housing and the standard of living come to increase, people have a demand for higher living quality, especially people want to live close to nature such as local parks, mountains, and rivers, and want to see them as a view through windows of each apartment unit. The view from each window of the building is more and more important from the beginning of the design stage especially high-rise downtown apart buildings.
This study aims to develope the view assessment model of each unit of the apartment building. To maintain objectively in quantifying such subjective matters, the view, 1) the previous studies were closely scrutinized, 2) the questionnaire to the apartment residents was conducted, 3) the experiments to the subjects on the view images proceeded, and 4) the human visual characteristics were analyzed. Also the results of the questionnaire and experiments were carefully analyzed by Paired-Samples T-Test, ANOVA and DUNCAN-Test, and Chi-Squared Test using SPSS.
According to the results of this study, It was known in the experiments that the people acceptance limitation on the stuffiness rate of the building was about 500m standard and the people acceptance limitation on the opening rate was about 20% standard.