Title |
Life Cycle Cost Analysis of Electric Heat Pump and Gas Engine Driven Heat Pump |
Keywords |
Life Cycle Cost Analysis ; Cost Breakdown Structure ; Electric Heat Pump ; Gas Engine Driven Heat Pump |
Abstract |
The purpose of this study was to propose the economical system of office building in busan. In order to select economical system in early plan stages, the research investigates cost items and cost characteristics during project process phases such as planning/design, equipment construction, operation/management, and removal/sell phases. The study analyze the life cycle cost by sensitivity analysis of energy cost leading to propose the most economical system. The results of this study are as follows; (1) This study propose the cost breakdown structure of present worth method by EHP(electric heat pump) and GHP(gas engine driven heat pump) system. (2) In the LCC analysis of EHP system, the order of the rates in each phases shows maintenance/management, equipment construction, planning/design, and demolition/sell phases. (3) In the LCC analysis of GHP system, the order of the rates in each phases shows equipment construction, maintenance/management, planning/design, and demolition/sell phases. (4) The result of LCC15 of EHP and GHP system shows that the GHP system is advantage of office building in busan. |