Title Interpretation of Concurrent Delays in Construction
Authors Lee Jae-Seob
Page pp.165-172
ISSN 12269107
Keywords Construction Delay ; Concurrent ; Liquidiated Damages
Abstract We, recently, have been experiencing serious construction delays due to various reasons. Construction delays cause serious problems such as time extension. compensation of loss, and liquidated damages. To recover extended project performance costs or a time extension, the effect of delays on the overall project completion must be demonstrated. But, the problems are more complex when concurrent delays happen in construction projects, which requires clear and reasonable analysis of responsibility for the delays. This paper describes in a clear and understandable way the primary rules of interpretation that can be applied to construction contract disputes involving the construction delays. These rules were identified using the process of inductive reasoning. The rules are based on the judical inquires derived from more than 40 appellate court decisions and arbitration cases. The rules are presented in the form of questions to be asked by contractors and contract administrators. The application of these questions should result in a correct determination of the dispute involving concurrent delays. The questions are organized in an easy-to-understand flow chart.