Title A Comparative Study of Hydro-therapy facilities for the Kurhaus
Authors Kim In-Soon ; Kang Byoung-Keun
Page pp.11-19
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Kurhaus ; Hydrotherapy ; Hot Spring ; Spacel Composition
Abstract As a kind of natural healing means to cope with the increase of geriatric diseases, stress-related diseases and senile chronic diseases coming from the rapid changes of social environments, the facilities accommodating the purposes of both treatment and relaxation come to be needed. Because of such situations, this study proposes the system introduction and the facilities establishment regulations required for converting our Korean general hot springs playing a role as simple family resorts into the convalescent hot springs for treatment and recuperation in Western Europe and Japan in the thought that the conversion will be possible with more active efforts.
First, above all, the legislation of the convalescent hot spring law(a tentative name) is needed. On the premise of the above-proposed basic law preparation, the proposals about the present hot spring space composition change are like follows; New or additional composition of the treatment spaces by counselling, Additional complementary composition of the treatment space, Additional complementary composition of the exercise treatment space, New or additional composition of the accommodations space.