Title A Study on the Frank Lloyd Wright's Experience with the Korean Traditional Floor Heating System Ondol, Its Application Process in His Architectural Works and Meanings
Authors Kim Nam-Ung ; Jang Jae-Won ; Lim Jin-Taek
Page pp.155-166
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Frank Lloyd Wright ; Ondol ; Goodl ; Floor heating
Abstract Frank Lloyd Wright is one of the most prominent American architects, who has been respected worldwide up to these days. He had shown many innovative ideas throughout his carrier, and one of them was the use of floor heating system in his many realized or unrealized buildings. But a few know, that he had achieved the idea originally from the Korean traditional heating system "Ondol(called also Goodl)", that he had experienced in Japan. But one of the more interesting points is that he had played an important role to spread it widely over in the United States America, so we may see him as a transmitter of the Korean heating system "Ondol(Goodl)" in his country, because his idea is originated from "Ondol(Goodl), even if he used steam or hot water pipes instead of th flues beneath the floor of the Korean's. This paper follows Wright's life and works and describes the circumstances, which allows us such point of view.