Title A Study on the Psychological Reaction about Port Landscape
Authors Jeong Seong-Goo ; Yun Jin-Bo ; Kim Eun-Il ; Shin Nam-Soo
Page pp.167-174
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Port ; Hinterland ; Portscape ; Semantic Diferential Method ; Factor Analysis ; ANOVA ; Psychological Analysis
Abstract The purpose of this study is to explain the psychological analysis about the container port landscape, to make the attractive ocean space. An Ocean space is the very important factor not only to represent urbanity and civic culture, and representative urbanscape but also to estimate environmental quality. However, nowadays, coastal landscape is being changed and destructed by the large scale development in container port area. And there is rare research on port and hinterland landscape and no guideline for port landscape planning and management.
This research project is to provide those planners with the landscape management measures for the port and hinterland. To do so, fist of all, the evaluation of examinees' psychological structures to explicate spatial consciousness of the port landscape is attempted by semantic differential method using 18 photo images of Oakland, Hongkong, Osaka, Kobe, Inchon, and Busan port. And then, Factor Analysis, Frequencies, and ANOVA were applied to examine the port landscape examples.
Finally, psychological evaluation construction about the port landscape is made on the bases of psychological factors of human. As a result, psychological evaluation factors defining the characteristics of port landscape can be explained by 5 factors; amenity, artificiality, vigorousness, identity and open view.
As a result of ANOVA, many difference is represented in psychological characteristics which a amenity, vigorousness, and open view. We expect this research to be used as a valuable data in evaluation and planning of portscape.