Title Isssues for the Improvement and Vitalization of Hitherto District Unit Plans in Seoul, Korea
Authors Bae Woong-Kyoo ; Lee In-Sung
Page pp.175-186
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Urban Design ; Detailed Unit Plan ; District Unit Plan ; Seoul
Abstract The purpose of this study is to review the issues of the hitherto District Unit Plans, including Urban Design and District Detailed Plan. The Re-arrangement Plan should be suitable for the changing conditions in legal and spatial circumstances : urban planning in new institutionalization, urban design in the existing built-up areas and the need for better citizen participation. The analysis factors of hitherto District Unit Plan were the rationale of urban spatial structure, the consistency and flexibility of the plan, effectiveness for the development management, and the actual application of the plan. Four categories of issues were raised : flexibleness to cope with the changing situation, effective implementation of the plan, rationality of the plan, and management and operation of the plan. In order to make effective operation of hitherto District Unit Plan, we suggested that a concrete guideline for the Re-arrangement Plan are necessary, and the guideline should be able to resolve the issues discussed in this study.