Title Evaluation of Discomfort Glare Caused by Windows Using RADIANCE Program
Authors Kim Kyung-Ah ; Kim Kang-Soo
Page pp.229-236
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Discomfort glare ; luminance ; RADIANCE
Abstract This study deals with analysis of daylight related discomfort glare caused by window using Radiance program. Even though DGI method has been used so far, there is something we need to figure it out when we evaluate discomfort glare using Radiance program. Therefore, this study investigated Radiance simulation process and evaluated factors influencing on DGI. The main simulation factors for discomfort glare were source luminance, the distance from the window, the reflection ratio of interior surface and window size. The influencing factors of DGI from this study, can be useful at the early stage of discomfort glare analysis.