Title A Study on the Risk Factor Characteristics in Life Cycle Cost Analysis of Primary Cooling System
Authors Jung Soon-Sung
Page pp.245-252
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Life Cycle Cost ; Sensitivity Analysis ; Primary Cooling System ; Present-Worth Method
Abstract The purpose of this study is to suggest the risk factor characteristics in life cycle cost analysis of primary cooling system. During the LCC analysis of primary cooling system, the project phases divided into planning/design, equipment construction, maintenance/management, and demolition/sell phases. and established cost items of each phases. The main results are as follows; ??(1) The result of capacity base LCC15 of primary cooling system shows that the absorption chiller- heater system for urban gas is advantageous for less than 500USRT, and ice storage method is advantageous for more than 500USRT. ??(2) In the LCC15 analysis of primary cooling system, the order of the average rates in each phases shows maintenance /management, equipment construction, planning/design, and demolition/sell phases.?? ??(3) In the LCC15 sensitivity analysis of primary cooling system, the order of the risk factor shows energy cost, water service and drainage cost, operation labor cost, maintenance cost, tax and fire insurance cost.