Title A Study on the Design Collaborative Works with Foreign Architects for the High-rise Buildings in Korea
Authors Kim Young-Hwan ; Kwon Jong-Wook
Page pp.13-20
ISSN 12269093
Keywords High-rise Building ; Design Collaborative Works
Abstract Contemporary high-rise buildings are the results of collaboration not only between the specialists from different major fields but also between the architects from other countries. The purpose of this study is to clarify the various aspects of collaborative works for high-rise building design between domestic and foreign architects.
The results are as follows;
1. In most cases, the contracts have been made directly between the building owner and foreign architect, and the collaborative work are done usually on the basis of Korean design procedure.
2. Among the 3 types of collaborative works, collaborations on the scope of design development phase, and construction document phase have been more popular than that of schematic design phase.
3. Most Korean architects who participated in the collaborative works agree to the necessity of collaboration only on the scope of schematic design phase.