Title The Effect of the Change of Living Space on the External Appearance in the Traditional Houses of Yangdong Village
Authors Han Pil-Won ; Lee Ju-Ock
Page pp.85-96
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Folk Village ; Yangdong Village ; Traditional House ; Cultural Property Han-ok ; Spatial Change ; External Appearance ; Modification ; Frequency of Change
Abstract The objective of the study is to analyze the changes over past 25 years in the main buildings (An- chae) of traditional houses at Yangdong Village, a representative Korean Folk Village. The consequences of the study are summarized as follows; Both the spatial and external changes took place more at non-cultural property houses than at cultural property houses. However, the patterns of the change are clarified as similar in the two house types. In terms of a unit space (room), both the spatial and external changes took place dominantly at kitchen. In general, about the half (45.8%) of spatial changes have caused external changes. The changes in 'the (room's) linkage with outdoor' and 'the addition (of a new room)' are the factors that most frequently cause external changes. Almost all factors of the spatial change have/have not caused external changes, which implies that a wide range of spatial changes can be accommodated in the traditional houses at the Folk Village without external changes.