Title An Analysis of Residents' preference to the floor level according to the Additional Design Alternatives of Apartment Housing Units at Ground and Top Floors
Authors Jeong Ye-Jin ; Lee Da-Hye ; Choi Sung-Pil ; Kim Chan-Joo ; Yoo Uoo-Sang ; Lee Sang-Ho
Page pp.113-120
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Apartment Top Floor Unit ; Ground Floor Unit ; Design Alternatives ; Building Height Preference
Abstract The purpose of this study is to analyze the effect of the additional design alternatives of apartment housing units at ground and top floors which is recently supplied by developers in Korea, and to find out which design alternatives influence the residents' preference to the building height. For this research, popular floors and unpopular floors are chosen and the reasons are analyzed based upon the residents' survey. In this research, the most popular floors are upper floors(higher than 16th floor) and the most unpopular floor is Ground floor. Residents have preference for private garden at ground floor unit and rooftop terrace at top floor unit. Besides, preference to the living height is dominated by better environmental qualities of higher floors such as view, ventilation, and natural light.