Title An Analysis of Rudolph Michael Schindler's Kings Road House: Composition, Construction, and the Use of Materials
Authors Park Jin-Ho ; Lee Moon-Sup
Page pp.187-196
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Rudolph Schindler. Kings Road House ; Spatial Composition ; Construction ; Module
Abstract This article focuses on an in-depth analysis of Rudolph Michael Schindler's Kings Road House of 1921- 22. The house best represents Schindler's philosophy in its radical use of unrefined building materials, its social and communal living arrangements of its inhabitants, and its remarkably innovative construction method at that time. Its avant-garde design marks the beginning of modern architecture in California. Reworking drawings of the archival material and fabricating scaled physical models, this study first analyzes the spatial characteristics of the house in relation to other contemporary works. Here Schindler's modular system, so-called "Reference Frames in Space" (1946) is also discussed with regard to the proportional design of the house. Then, it investigates methods of construction and structure by fabricating virtual models to simulate the construction process. Finally, it interprets the use of materials expressed in the house.