Title On the Significance of King Jeongjo's Journey to HyeonRyungWon Tomb and Suggestion to Preserve It as a Historical Cultural Environment
Authors Yun Jin-Young ; Lee Sang-Hae
Page pp.197-208
ISSN 12269093
Keywords King's journey ; Shihung Street ; Preservation ; Management
Abstract The aim of this study is to make preservation and management proposal by reinterpreting the meaning of King's journey to HyunLeoungWon and the value of facilities that was built for the journey. The main object is Shihung Street which was built in 1795 and facilities that connected to the street like HaengGung, Jungja, bridge etc. First, collect the research data of the type and location of the facility and interpriet the value and characteristic of the main facilities. Analyse the present condition and problem, and make a proposal of its conservation and management. This study extend the meaning historical conservation not only physical condition but also non-physical boundary.