Title The Experimental Study on the Heat Transmission Performance of Building Curtain Wall System
Authors Seok Ho-Tae ; Kwak Hyun-Chul ; Jung Ji-Na ; Song Seung-Yeong
Page pp.255-264
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Curtain wall ; Fastener ; Heat transmission ; High-rise Buildings
Abstract The aim of this study is to know the heat transmission feature of fastening systems in used light- heavy curtain wall. The heat performance of curtain wall materials is measured by comparing convective heating system with floor radiant heating system through the scale-down model experiment and the use of insulation pad is verified for the improvement of insulation performance. ??In this experiment, it is measured the surface temperature of structure materials consisting of two types of curtain wall system by changing indoor room temperature into 18℃, 20℃, 22℃, 24℃, 26℃, respectively. One is general curtain wall building with the convective heating system, and the one is high-rise curtain wall building with the floor radiant heating system. ??The measurement for surface temperature difference according to the use of insulation devices are accomplished and the performance of insulation devices were evaluated.??As the result of this study, the temperature difference of each materials are higher with the use of insulation devices than without that of it.