Title Equivalent Size of Glare Source with Non-uniform Luminance Distribution
Authors Kim Won-Woo ; Shin In-Joong
Page pp.275-282
ISSN 12269093
Keywords discomfort glare ; Equivalent Size ; Non-uniform Luminance ; windows
Abstract This work carried out to establish the evaluation method for the discomfort glare from the glare source of non-uniform luminance. It is investigated the equivalent size of the uniform luminance source to the non- uniform luminance source. The experiment was conducted on the artificial window with two parts having different luminance. The degree of discomfort glare was measured when the luminance of the one part of the window was changed. The results show that the equivalent size is correlated with the linear function of the luminance of the one side of the window in logarithm. Therefore, the source of non- uniform luminance can be modified to the source of uniform luminance having the equivalent size. The equivalent size to the source of non-uniform luminance could be useful when the discomfort glare from real windows is appraised by the existing methods for the large and uniform glare source.