Title A Study on the Evaluation of Apartment Design Elements affecting Solar Access Right in the Neighboring Areas of Apartment Building
Authors Choi Jeong-Min ; Kim Yong-Yee
Page pp.291-298
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Solar Access Right ; Apartment Building ; Waldram ; Sunshine Contour Diagram ; Solar Radiation Contour Diagram
Abstract The solar access right in the neighboring areas of apartment buildings is very important especially under the circumstances of densely populated urban cities. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to analyze the effect of apartment design elements such as location, minimum keeping distance between two apartment houses and ground gradient on solar access right in the neighboring areas of apartment buildings.??For these three elements, the neighboring infringed areas are analyzed and identified using Waldram, sunshine contour diagram and solar radiation contour diagrams. The results of this study are summarized as follows. First, location is a primary factor with which the % differences of infringed areas between the 8 cities range from 84.5% to 101.2%. Second, minimum keeping distance is not a good factor for the purpose of decreasing the neighboring infringed areas. Third, ground gradient is a important factor with which the % differences of infringed areas between the 8 cities range from 86.1% to 121.9%.