Title The Behavior on the Joints in Square Hollow Sections Stiffened with Plate on the Top Flange of Main Chord
Authors Park Keum-Sung ; Bae Kyu-Woong ; Moon Tae-Sup
Page pp.71-78
ISSN 12269107
Keywords longitudinal branch plate ; flange-stiffened ; failure mode ; T-joints ; design strength
Abstract The object of this paper is to evaluate design strength and to investigate experimentally on the behavior for the stiffened plate T-joints made of square hollow steel sections with branch plate. The T-joints focused on the shape that branch member is using the single plate or double plate and the flange to main chord member is stiffened with plate. Principal parameters can be confirm the ratio of the chord?? width to thickness(2γ=33.3, 22.2, 16.7), and the ratio of a branch member plate thickness to chord width(β p=0.30, 0.62). It was show that the failure modes of T-joints changed by according to whether stiffened or not and thickness of stiffened plate. Except the joints of single plate for a thickness the same chord as stiffened plate to be presented in this study can be estimated to secure, when they are compared with CIDECT code and the existing proposed model formulae.