Title A Study on the Qualifications for a Builder in the Construction of Small Scale Building Work
Authors Choi Min-Soo ; Kim Moo-Han
Page pp.143-150
ISSN 12269107
Keywords Small Scale Building Work ; Builder's Qualifications ; Building Regulations ; Direct Construction by Owner
Abstract The purpose of this study is to suggest some policies regarding the qualificatory system for a builder in the construction of small scale building work in order to prevent the quality of the building work from deteriorating. Judging from the survey results and analyses on the advantages and disadvantages of political alternatives, the scope of building work that can be constructed under the management of an owner should be reduced to prevent poor quality construction in small scale building works and construction by non-qualified builders. Considering that buildings with three floors and more are regulated to check structural safety before construction, a certificated constructor should be participated in the construction of the buildings with three floors and more. Meanwhile, the constructor should be regulated to submit a written contract and to declare his own name to the authorities concerned at a ground-breaking stage to protect a client or consumer from defective works. Moreover, the regulations related to quality, safety, and environment in a building construction that can be applied to construction contractors should be applied to the building work under direct construction of the owner.