Title Efficient Analysis of Mega Frame Structure using Mega Element
Authors Kim Hyun-Su ; Kim Seung-Jun ; Lee Dong-Guen
Page pp.85-94
ISSN 12269107
Keywords Steel Stairs ; Vibration ; Serviceability ; Mock-up Test
Abstract It is known that steel stair system is competitive construction method in buildings. However, in domestic market, its use is limited to office buildings and temporary stairs. In order to develop the construction method of steel stairs for reinforced concrete shear wall systems of buildings, mock-up test is carried out to verify the constructional validity and examine serviceability of the steel stair system. ??This paper is dealing with investigating the vibration performance of steel stair systems to footfall loading induced by a pedestrian. The results indicate that the vibration serviceability of the laminated tread board type steel stair and the SFRC (steel fiber reinforced concrete) tread board type steel stair is acceptable to the criterion of the indoor footbridge use. But in the overall vibrational performances related to the serviceability, the reinforced concrete stair has superior to the steel stairs.